Favorite creative / fundraising projects for schools we love

Bishop McGuinness High School

Report to advancement director Katie Williams; storyboard and shoot video stories aimed to raise tens of thousands of dollars in donations, 2020-2023.

Wake Forest University

Coached video production to teams of WFU medical, law, and grad students who went on to compete against 18 other universities and win the $5000 NIH Breast Cancer Challenge for their short doc video, What’s it like to grow old?

Salem College, Tedx event

Created promo video for Salem College Ted talk, What’s it like to be a woman?

NCA&T Washington DC Trade Show

Worked closely with faculty, students and advancement director to write, storyboard and shoot videos that helped reach and often exceed marketing goals.

UNCSA Mobile Media Movie competition

First place wins for two minute cell phone films, The Bunny Explosion, 2012 and The Vanishing, 2011

The Arts Based School, Community Creates

Partnered with community leaders to create art for fundraising gala, 2008 ($3000 for two Foley paintings led all donations.)

St. Leo’s Catholic School

Shooting the priest and cutting his head off led to a poster that allowed the viewer to focus on the priest’s running shoes. It also led to a 10 year partnership of designing the race tees and other brand assets for the school’s 5K race, their biggest fundraiser.